
Tap, Sign & Go

Check-in and check-out your student as simple as finger tap on a tablet.


Attendance History

 View attendance history on your student’s profile and update missing check-ins or check-outs with an ease.



Electronic sign-ins and sign-outs which includes authorized signature, data and time with data security.

You're All Set To Go

Your child is securely checked in. 

Our Clients Testimonials

We are serving almost 1000 daycares in Los Angeles Area


Moonetic helped our parents check-in and check-out with no difficulty which helped save time and reduced problems with limited parking. 


Amy Sarkisian

As a provider we’re happy to work with Moonetic because we have gone paper-less and have an effective platform in place to ensure  our day to day operations run smoothly and possess confidentiality.


Emilia Carol


Choose Your Plan


Per Month

Small Childcare Center


Per Month

Medium Childcare Center


Per Month

Large Childcare Center


Monthly fee will include support for the app and regular updates.

Want to see it in action?

Schedule a free presentation and sign up for a risk free trial !